It was 1999. It seemed to most that the barber trade had breathed its last. Despite this, Layrite's passionate founder, Donnie Hawley, was still passionate about improving his customer's haircuts. His technology was hampered by traditional petroleum products worn by his patrons that did not wash off. Never wanting to limit style, yet committed to a higher standard of cutting; Donnie struggled to find a solution. The end result was a water-soluble pomade designed like this
"Hold on like a wax and wash off like a gel."
After one of Donnie's patrons commented that his pomade was the only product that made his hair grow well, the brand was born. Since then, Layrite men's grooming products have been the benchmark for traditional grooming and men's grooming. Often imitated, but never duplicated, our products have become a staple brand used by barbers seeking quality and authenticity around the world.L
"Hold on like a wax and wash off like a gel."
After one of Donnie's patrons commented that his pomade was the only product that made his hair grow well, the brand was born. Since then, Layrite men's grooming products have been the benchmark for traditional grooming and men's grooming. Often imitated, but never duplicated, our products have become a staple brand used by barbers seeking quality and authenticity around the world.L
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BEARD STORY – į klientus orientuota vyriškos kosmetikos įmonė, kuri skatina vyrus pradėti rūpintis savimi ir tapti įkvėpimu savo draugams. Didžiuojamės labdara, brolybe ir sveikų vyriškų idealų propagavimu. Tikime, kad vyrų bendruomenė, kurioje kiekvienas puoselėja savo išvaizdą ir vidinę stiprybę, gali daryti pasaulį geresnį. Mūsų aukštos kokybės produktai padeda ne tik jaustis ir atrodyti geriau, bet ir skatina asmeninį pasitikėjimą savimi bei draugystės dvasią.